Is God an author?

Who really wrote the sacred texts?

Joshua Hehe
4 min readJul 4, 2019

I don’t doubt that God inspired many if not all of the sacred texts in the world. I just think that the Vedas, Tao Te Ching, Bible, Qur’an, and all the other great works were written by people, not the Supreme Being. Think of it like this, if Allah spoke to the archangel Gabriel who then spoke to the prophet Muhammad who then told his companions which eventually wrote it down, then the Qur’an is not the direct word of God. The point is that the Supreme Being didn’t write it, or any other book for that matter. Along with this, contrary to the standard narrative in Judaism and Christianity, Moses did not write the Old Testament in the 13th century BCE. After all, his death and funeral are described in Deuteronomy, so there’s no way he could have written about that because he was dead. The Torah is really the result of numerous amalgamations and revisions of both oral and written accounts from various different sources over time. This is all based on a mix of historical and mythological events, tracing back to a real exodus in which the Israelites encountered the Midianites. They lived in the desert of southern Canaan and worshiped God in the form of a deity named YHW (pronounced yah-hoo). Thus, in the year 1275 BCE, Moses began to call God YHWH (pronounced yah-way), and with the recognition of Yahweh as the Supreme Being, Judaism was born.

